Sunday, May 16, 2010

CAD Drafting Software

CAD drafting software is used mainly for creating architectural and complex machine designs or blueprints. The software has all the basic features available in commonly used engineering CAD software. The most prominent feature of this type of software is that it allows users to mark different components of a design with different color variations provided with the software.

Some of the most advanced CAD drafting software available in the market can support around sixteen million color variations. A design containing colored elements makes it easier to differentiate different components of a design. This helps in reducing product design time and improves the effectiveness of the designed blueprint.

The graphic interface provided with the software constantly prompts the user to color every new component that is added to the design blueprint. Apart from different color variations, the software also has color pens of different thickness to classify different structural components. Different colors can be programmed to work with different pen sizes to reduce color and pen selection time. The software uses ?what you see is what you get? (WYSIWYG) approach to line width and color systems, which often leads to a situation where each value retains its own independent meaning. According to this logic, line widths are represented directly by pen types, and line colors are simply and directly colors.

CAD drafting software programs use different types of color numbering systems such as RGB (red, green, blue), HSL (hue-saturation-luminance), EGA, DGN, ACI, and CYMK (cyan, yellow, magenta, black). Commonly used drafting software allows users to apply a ?screen? to design components based on layer or level. They are then plotted in a light gray shade, which makes them less conspicuous.

CAD drafting software has helped in eliminating the need for manual design drafting. It has also helped in the design and development of complex machines and architectural structures that use thousands of components.

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