Sunday, May 16, 2010

Post Secondary Education Can Advance Your Career

Post Secondary Education includes vocational, trade, or technical educational institutions, or career schools and colleges, oriented toward developing skills for specific occupations. Post Secondary Schools prepare for entry-level positions, and programs of study can vary greatly in length and intensity. Some programs for diplomas or certificates require just weeks, while other certificate programs require months of preparation. Post Secondary Schools also provide programs for acquiring associate degrees that may take two or three years.

Post Secondary Education programs train in specialized job requirements. Occupational programs provide a well-rounded education that generally includes English, grammar, and writing skills; as well as math and computer skills, and general sciences. Programs require additional courses specific to the field of study. Programs of study in Post Secondary Schools and colleges are offered in computer technology, paralegal services, professional office skills, biomedical studies, mechanics, electronics, accounting, cosmetology, computer aided drafting (CAD), graphic design, commercial arts, engineering, business, and health, to name a few.

Post Secondary students choose this avenue for gaining skills in order to improve their employment options and to speed up job opportunities. Recent high school graduates as well as older adult students making career changes are prime candidates for Post Secondary Education programs. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, incomes can be more optimistic with associate degree, gaining about $7,000 annually over a high school education.

Job markets in the fields of Computer Technology and Health Care are projected to be among the fastest growing occupational fields for the next several years. Certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees are all options in technology and health care programs in Post Secondary Schools and career colleges.

Planning to attend a Post Secondary School should include careful research for finding quality training in the type of career program being sought. Some schools focus on particular technologies. Look for accreditation. Post Secondary Schools should be accredited by the state in which they are located. This is an important factor, as some institutions do not honor non-accredited school diplomas, certificates, or degrees. Consider also that options for financial assistance are available in accredited Post Secondary Schools through the same government loans and grants sources as for students attending four-year colleges and universities.

If you are interested in learning more about Post Secondary Education Schools and other types of schools, please search our site for additional information and sources.

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Michael Bustamante, in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc. for

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