Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Jumpstarting Your Career As a CAD Professional

If graphic design is a hobby for you, why not turn it into a business? You don't have to quit your job. These days, everybody needs a little extra income and perhaps the best way to get it is by doing something you're passionate about. You don't need to be an architect or an engineer. Anybody who is into graphic design will have a knack for measurements and can easily find their way around various technologies such as CAD systems which are just about the most popular tools for designers these days. If you think you have the talent, start a career as a freelance designer. You'll be surprised at what awaits you.

First off, if you haven't used a CAD system before, do your research about this software and how you think you can make it work for your designs. There are different types available for download on the Internet, but the most common ones would be 2D CAD, 2.5 CAD and 3D CAD. 2D CAD is a simple tool that allows you to create lines, curves and shapes that are based only on the X and Y axis. This means any design can be executed but without visual depth. 2.5D CAD graphics are like the first one except that images can be represented with a third axis, the Z axis, thus, creating a certain depth that you will liken to a prism effect. If you want to create images that are closest to reality, the 3D CAD program is what you need. With this program, you can make graphics with a realistic depth that makes use of the X, Y and Z axis and allows a 360-degree graphic rotation capability.

If you're a truly talented designer, software is the last thing you'll be problematic about. Getting clients in the beginning could be an issue but as long as you know your way around the web, this should be easily handled. In fact, you can just run a search on the keyword "CAD freelance sites" and you'll be shown various online resources where other CAD freelancers market their services. You will find that it will be not as difficult as it seems. The trend for companies has been outsourcing of vital functions in their operations department and these functions include computer -aided designing. Everyday, thousands of service buyers log on to these sites in search of professionals whom they can tap for their outsourcing requirements. As long as you stay active in these sites and alert for any open positions you may bid on, you should be fast on your way to building your own freelance design empire.

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