Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How to Be a Good Bartender - Make More Money With These Tips

How to be a good bartender takes a little bit of practice. Here are a couple of tips. First you must learn your basic drink recipes. You should start out listing the drinks on index cards and study these cards every day. You should have someone go over the cards with you and ask you what is in each drink. You should do this every day until you know your drink recipes.

Just mark the drink name on the front of card, flip the card over and write the drink recipe on the back and number them. You can learn everything you need to do to be a good bartender studying at home. Learning your basic drinks is the most important step 1. Next step 2. list your basic frozen drinks on index cards, and 3 rd step your basic cream drinks. You should study each category. Don't try and learn everything all at one time.

You can write all the different drinks on the cards but study a few at a time then add more. To study. You don't want to overwhelm yourself. The index cards will be very useful, you can use these at a later time so keep them. You can put them in alphabetical order so that what ever drink you need to look at will be quick to find .You will need to look up drinks when you start your first job. A lot of bars have a Rolodex for the bartenders.

Because there is no way for someone to remember all the drinks that are out today. But learn the basic drinks. I think having my own Rolodex of drinks is better than having to use the bars Rolodex because you know what you have written on your cards, and what new drinks you may need to add and you can take it with you.

Being a good bartender starts out with you having a good attitude. You must leave all your problems at home. No one wants to here all about your problems. The customers have came into the bar to get away from there problems. So always listen, and let the person know that you are a caring person. But don't get wrapped up in there life. You just excuse yourself and say I've got to go take care of my other customers. Ill be back to check on you .Or we can talk later I am busy at the moment.

The best way for most people to learn how to be a good bartender is to get a good home study course. Then you can study at home. There is no need to go to a bartending school. You really don't ever need a diploma, not one job requires a diploma. And not one job that you will ever get will their be anyone wanting to know about how beer or wine is made. Bartending school doe's not get you prepared to work in a real bar atmosphere.

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