Thursday, April 22, 2010

Computer Graphic Visualization Technology Overview

Visualization, especially the development of Virtual Environments (VEs) make a significant impact on how construction project stakeholders can perceive and successfully complete their projects; sales, marketing and manage the properties.

The purposes of visualization general fall into two categories:

Improve the design or construction works
Make sell which either sell the design or sell the property

Most times, the different visualization purposes will affect how to get the visualization projects done. Understanding of visualization technology and workflow will make signification impact on the budget and how well the goal can be achieved.

This article will overview below major areas, but provide detail in separated articles.

About visualizations, there are:

Three major categories

Visualization (texture mapping, ray tracing, lighting and photo editing)
Animation/simulation (fly-by, walk-through)
Modeling (solid modeling, surface modeling, wireframe modeling)

Three major process steps

Content creation (3D modeling, texturing, animation)
Scene layout setup (lighting especially but also the creation of the surface or mesh)
Rendering (instant rendering and no instant rendering)
View flow and interactive system setup (this doesn't apply to the traditional static graphic)

Six major technologies

Static rendering: either 2D or 3D imagery. Photorealistic rendering needs high-end hardware, software and comprehensive library. It is foundation of following solutions.
Animated images: multiple static images are put together and show the images in sequence automatically. Such as via GIF image or scripted web pages, etc.
360/720 degree virtual view: view the space or item in 360 degree freely with limited zoom in and zoom out. Single viewpoint. Can be delivered in Flash, QuickTime or other scripted computer language.
Animation: images are display smooth move at 24 to 30 frame per second. Such as via Flash, QuickTime, Windows Media files, etc. The route either pre-setup or have single viewpoint. It also knows as fly through.
Virtual Reality or Interactive virtual model: It is simulated 3D virtual environment which user can interactive with. This technique is invaluable to modern architects, engineers, real estate developers, facility manager and marketing professionals as it allows them to simulate most scenarios that they will encounter during the design, construction, and eventually the life of the structure they are attempting to build, manage and sale. Virtual reality allows the project team members to essentially create their structures and test them without wasting any of the resources necessary to complete the structure in reality. For the marketing, sale professionals and potential buyer, they sale and explore every possible units, layout, appliance, material, color, textures options long before the model unit available.
Mixed Reality: It combine real and virtual world to create a new environment which real and virtual world co-exist and interactive in real time. The real world can be still picture or steam live video via locally or remotely camera. Mixed Reality brings the interaction and virtual world to another level.

Three styles

Non Photorealistic
Non rendered computer graphic

Five major delivery structures

Standalone file
Interactive CD
Client - server structure
Browser -server structure

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