Friday, April 23, 2010

CADCourse interviews Bob Mayer of IMSI Design 02

Positive Feedback for v14 Haven't had the problems with DWG compatibility Feedback from forums is positive. IMSI Design active participants in ODA Scandal in the ODA Lawsuit between ODA and Autodesk Method to circumvent non-original DWG warning Fraudulent accounting activity in the ODA? ODA supplies libraries for TurboCAD Latest compatibility with 2007-2008 Future direction of TurboCAD v14 with add-on packs. V13 started with Mechanical and Architectural add-ons packs Contain more sophisticated tools such as branch lofting in Mechanical pack TurboCAD Pro positioned in the middle of the CAD world Big enhancements will be in the form of packs Packs will be price modestly to make it an easy purchasing position Add-packs will only work with the Pro products. Designer and Deluxe are consumer products ADD-ons created with the SDK? Big initiative for upcoming releases will be the SDK to expose more functionality of the program Want to encourage third party developers to create add-on plug-ins AutoCAD successfully encouraged developers and this is also IMSI's goal.

Civil Engineer ??�?????????????????????????????�??????????????? Pipe Jacking

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