Sunday, May 8, 2011

CAD Information

CAD stands for Computer-aided design. It uses computers in designing a project, putting up a construction plan, sketching a drawing as well as other special effects. A CAD system is a blend of software and hardware that allows engineers along with architects to design things like furniture and airplanes. CAD involves making shapes as well as involving technical and detailed drawings. End products of CAD design produce one detailed outcome. CAD is commonly used to make two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) object along with specific details that are added. CAD Information an engineer to see a design from any side or angle with the click of a button as well as to zoom in or out to have closer looks and long distance picture. Furthermore, computers keep track of the designs so that if an engineer tends to change one value along with other values that tend to be contingent on it are automatically altered accordingly. CAD is usually used in various applications which include industrial and CAD Information , automotive industries, aerospace, building and construction industries and many others which sometimes are beyond our imagination. CAD is also used to make thorough engineering design, layout and drawing of the structure of a specific product. In addition, CAD permits the designer to create as well as layout their design on screen, storing for future reference as well as editing and may be printed to make a blue print or pattern and to manufacture a hard copy of a specific project. Computer animation with the help of CAD is one of the techniques in creating special effects, manuals in movies and advertisement as well as technical layouts. In construction and architectural industries, CAD is utilized to make certain sketches of the design of infrastructures such as houses, industrial and commercial buildings. A CAD Information is usually created with the help of a mouse, space ball as well as digitizing tablet and pen. There are some designers that utilize stereoscopic glasses to see the three-dimensional design of the project. For instance, a CAD program such as the Auto CAD can only be run through a licensed Windows operating system.

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