Thursday, January 13, 2011

Architectural Rendering - Computer Aided Design (CAD)

You probably have heard about CAD rendering, and if you are not a graphics artist you may not be aware of just how often and in where it is used. It might surprise you just how often and in what applications CAD rendering appears.

Architectural rendering is not just for architects despite its name. Car manufacturers, landscapers, engineers and others use CAD rendering or have it done for them. It allows them to see flaws in design and perspective before costly errors are made in real time production.

Architectural rendering is very detailed oriented and incorporates realistic lighting and textures to give a much more realistic feel to the modeled object. Virtual walk-throughs can be created for the web to give prospective buyers a real feel for the design. Car designers are bringing their models to life in three dimensions before production with the aid of architectural rendering.

CAD or computer aided design can be as simple as a 2D representation with little detail or realism to as complex and versatile as 3D parametric solid modeling. It depends on the use the end product will be put to, as well as the skill of the CAD operator. The simplest are 2D or wire models.

There are many brands of CAD software available. They range in cost from freeware (high learning curves with low end simplistic results), all the way to high end software with sophisticated engines that can literally take a design from the drawing board and breathe life into it. Though, even the expensive software may also have high learning curves because of all the options and details that can be imported.

If you are a designer you may not necessarily be a software genius. CAD software takes quite a bit of skill and usually either schooling or hours upon hours of trial and error. Architectural rendering or CAD can be outsourced and sometimes this is the wisest choice in terms of time and expense.

Should the option of a rendering service appeal to your circumstances and very possibly to your budget, then it is important that you view samples of their work, inquire as to their delivery time, and balance costs. Make sure you choose a reliable service and beware any that promise too low a price or only offer stock rendering. Good services will get as much information as possible before giving a price beware of any that offer a custom architectural rendering service for a flat fee or the costs seem way too low. In the case of architectural rendering as with most things, you usually get what you pay for.

Should you decide to learn to use Architectural rendering software then set aside sufficient time for the learning curve. Invest time in finding tutorials that will shorten the learning time. Make sure your software is applicable for the use you want to put it through and lay in a good stock of patience.

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