Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Computers and Kids

Computers have become a basic household item in every home. It has become more affordable that each family can afford to have two to four computers in each home, not to mention the laptops. In school, kids spend hours in front of the computer and when they get home, they turn on their computers to do their assignments, conduct research for projects and even socialize online. Indeed, life has changed dramatically with the existence of the computer. It has made everything easy.

Long ago, students have to go to the public library to be able to research on a certain topic and when there is no available reading material in the public library, they have to go to a local bookstore. But these days, kids do not have to leave their homes anymore. They can get information through the Internet. And if they want a hard copy of a book, they can order it online. There are even online book clubs which kids can join and order books from. These items are then shipped right to their doorsteps.

The advantages of computers are truly countless. Researching, banking and shopping are only three of the most practical ways the computer benefits us. However, like everything here on earth, there are also downsides to kids using computers daily. But the good news is, all these disadvantages can be avoided.

There are numerous software and free sites which are great in honing the skills of children. Software like CAD for kids is one of the educational tools children can use to enhance their talents and skills. But, there are also sites and games on the Internet which are not good for them. Those rampant violent games which are widely played by kids these days are some of the things that must be avoided, not to mention those sites which promote pornography. The use of these can be avoided if parents will do their part in educating their kids. They should inform their children about the negative effects of playing violent games and how pornography can destroy an individual's personality. Aside from discussing these things to the kids, parents should also install software which let them monitor the sites visited by their kids. This way, the parents will be aware of what their children are doing and will not be caught off-guard.

It is not uncommon these days to hear about parents being surprised by how much risk their children have exposed themselves to just because nobody told them they were treading dangerous grounds. People on the Internet can be anybody. And it's always good for elders to watch the children even when they're doing some social networking.

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