Saturday, August 7, 2010

Anger Management and Inner Peace

One of the many great things about finding inner peace is that it has a profound effect on how often and how strongly you feel anger. It definitely should find a place in everyone's anger management toolbox.

The mechanics of the relationship between anger and inner peace is worth understanding.

Inner peace is the state of being that exists beyond your mind. It's the basic you that's aware of all your thoughts and emotions. It's been there ever since you were first conscious, which was at some point in your mother's womb. It's what has been aware of everything that's happened to you since that moment. It has never changed... what's changed has been your thoughts and your external environment... these have been in unceasing flux.

Because the basic you is aware of all thoughts and other sense impressions, it is separate from them. It's like you're on a sidewalk watching busy traffic. Does it matter to you what color the cars are? Do you get injured if they bump against one another? No. You are unaffected by what happens on the road.

In exactly the same way, the basic you is unaffected by thoughts, emotions and sense impressions. Unaffected by worries, anxieties, stress and thoughts as a whole. Unaffected by your senses of smell, touch, sight or hearing.

Notice how thoughts, sight and hearing were included in the list of inputs. The basic you is unaffected by what you think, see and hear.

So supposing you have found inner peace. Then someone talks to you angrily or insultingly. You're seeing him, you're hearing him and you're thinking about what he's saying. In other words, you're getting sights, sounds and thoughts related to him. But they don't affect you. You quietly bear witness to those sights, sounds and thoughts, then watch for further thoughts that your mind throws up. Since you were detached from the original sights, sounds and thoughts, the further thoughts that your mind throws up will be cool and considered rather than explosive and violent.

Did you manage your anger? No... because there wasn't any in the first place!

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