Thursday, August 19, 2010

ADR 2010 - GPS Mode Activation [Makeshift video]

Rough n' ready feasibility testing of Autodesk Design Review's GPS [Global Positioning System] mode, out in the field. Hardware used was a consumer level netbook & GPS device with installation of Autodesk Design Review 2010. Transport was by bicycle ! Window of opportunity for gathering accurate GPS tracking was missed. Full tree foliage could cause inaccurate readings. However, tracking was surprisingly good given the conditions. A more polished follow-up video may be uploaded in future - intent being more accurate tracking synchronised with route video. This depends on improved netbook & camera mounts to the bicycle transport. Sections of video accelerated for pace & short video duration. All Autodesk Design Review content as recorded by user. The Author has no affiliation with Autodesk or Google Earth. The Author gained no fee, profit, incentive or gratuity for this video. All respective copyrights & intellectual property acknowledged herein. If any aspect of video is deemed to infringe copyright or trademark, please notify Author for video removal. Autodesk Design Review is a powerful FREE stream-lined review and mark-up application from Autodesk. It is optimised for sharing of intelligent Design communication amongst Engineering Design Professionals and all downstream stake-holders. The background mapping used for this demonstration is taken from Google Earth under non-commercial license.

My Links : Civil Engineering Civil Engineer

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