Saturday, June 26, 2010

What is Local Law 11 About?

Have you just received a letter from the NYC DOB, which was sent for the purpose of telling you that your building is due for a Local Law 11 inspection, and you're not quite sure what Local Law 11 is about? If yes, then I'm glad that you've found this article.

Local Law 11, which is also known more correctly as Local Law 11 for the Year 1998, is the facade safety inspection law of the New York City Department of Buildings. It is called a "local" law because it is mandated only by the local government of New York City, and is not mandated by the federal government. Therefore, no buildings outside of the New York City limits need to comply with this law.

The first version of this law was enacted in 1980, and at that time it was called Local Law 10 of 1980. Since the year 1980 the law has undergone some modifications, including being amended and now known as Local Law 11. Buildings that are subject to the law are those that are greater than six stories in height (And as mentioned already, are located within the New York City limits).

For such buildings, once every five years the NYC DOB requires that the facade of the building be inspected by a Qualified Exterior Wall Inspector, in order to determine if it is in safe condition. Once the inspection is complete a report is filed with the NYC Department of Buildings. The report will document to the city that the facade is in either Safe, SWARMP (Safe with a repair and maintenance program), or Unsafe condition. If the report documents that the facade is SWARMP or Unsafe, then the city would require the building owner take corrective action.

At the heart of this law is the NYC DOB trying to prevent a situation in which a piece of facade falls off and does damage to someone or something. As building owners work cooperatively with the city in the inspection process, it ensures the city to be a safer place for everyone to live in.

Tags : Soil Test Civil Engineer Rainforce Steel Foundation Spacing

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