Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Orthopedic Manufacturing - Medical Manufacturing Miracles Performed on a Daily Basis

Many people, either due to birth defect, accidental injury, or simply old age, have joint conditions that cause loss of mobility. In advanced cases this can cause considerable pain and anguish. When doctors determine that the problem can only be remedied with orthopedic surgery, to augment or replace the affected joint, orthopedic manufacturing comes to the rescue.

Orthopedic manufacturers produce the supports and replacement joints that allow patients to return to normal life again. This procedure often is highly successful, but, of course, there are risks associated with any type of surgery.

The story of Jack Nicklaus, (a hip replacement patient) is a classic orthopedic case history. He lived with considerable pain for years, until he finally underwent hip surgery in 1999. Following his hip replacement he still managed to play some pretty good golf.

You may also be interested to know how those implants are made. The technology that allows doctors to perform the miracle of joint replacement is a testament to modern manufacturing ingenuity.

Orthopedic manufacturing has gone from science fiction to practical reality in the span of a few short years. Each year the techniques, tools, and products developed in orthopedics improve, by leaps and bounds. Orthopedic manufacturing has a important role in helping us to live healthier and happier lives.

Continuous research and development in the design and manufacture of orthopedic implants and instruments is needed. As the costs and risks of orthopedic procedures are reduced, the miracle of modern orthopedic medicine can be extended to more and more people who need this type of care, to dramatically improve their quality of life.


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